About Us
Welcome to the Braddock Bay Gallery website. My wife Jan and I, Dave Beadling, live in the Town of Greece, near Rochester, New York. We're fortunate to live in a place that overlooks Braddock Bay, which opens into Lake Ontario. It's wonderful to watch seasonal changes here and the migration of birds that it brings.
Jan is a decorative artist. Her hand-painted glass is recognized for it's style and quality. I embellish some of her pieces with butterflies, ladybugs, or birds. We also have done interior decorative painting assisted by our daughter Karen Burtch. Our painting graces commercial establishments, model homes and residences.
I am a photographer and the natural world is my favorite subject. I am also a graphic artist by trade and worked in the printing industry for many years.
This website is the fusion of our love of art, graphics, photography, family and the place we live.
Contact us for more info